Google Chrome Multitask Mode
Chrome multitask mode is just a April Fool's Day prank played by google.
Actually the chrome Multitask Mode doesn't exist ( yet ).To make a fool of yourself and experience this whole thing you can go to this link:
where it displays
and a designer of Google Chrome ( Glen Murphy ) explains about the Multistask Mode.
Thanks to Google for making it possible to surf the web with both the hands by using more than one mouse on a computer
Google April Fool's Day prank
Chrome multitask mode is just a April Fool's Day prank played by google.
Actually the chrome Multitask Mode doesn't exist ( yet ).To make a fool of yourself and experience this whole thing you can go to this link:
where it displays
A new way to multitask
Chrome Multitask Mode lets you browse the web with multiple cursors at the same time, so you can get more done, faster. Welcome to the ambinavigation revolution.and a designer of Google Chrome ( Glen Murphy ) explains about the Multistask Mode.